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Unique Reptiles
With over 30 years experience in
keeping and breeding exotic snakes
and other reptiles, we know what
you need.
Reptiles are easy to keep, feed and enjoy.
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Ball Python
The ball python (Python regius), also called the royal python, is a python species native to West and Central Africa, where it lives in grasslands, shrublands and open forests. This nonvenomous constrictor is the smallest of the African pythons, growing to a maximum length of 182 cm (72 in).
More Snakes Available
There are so many variations of snakes that you will have to stop by to see them all.
Bearded Dragon
The bearded dragon lives up to its name: Like a dragon, it's equipped with armor of spiny reptilian scales, which include a “beard” of spikes under its chin that puffs up depending on its mood. There are eight species species of bearded dragons recognized today, all of which are affectionately called “beardies.”
Savannah Monitor Lizard
Savannah monitors, also called Bosc monitors, are large carnivorous lizards that resemble tegus more than typical monitors. When handled regularly, these large bodied, stocky lizards can become quite docile and even enjoy the physical interaction in some cases.
Basilisks Lizard
These lizards live near water, spending much of their time basking on overhanging vegetation or foraging for food. If frightened while on land, basilisks can run on their hind legs, sprinting so rapidly that they can move at speeds of over 7 miles per hour (11.3 kilometers/hour).
Asian Water Dragon
They are often a brown-green color with a pale green to white underside. Light stripes run vertically across each side of their bodies. They also have brown and green banded tails, large eyes and short snouts. Water dragons can live for 10 to 15 years.
Crested Gecko
Crested Geckos are nocturnal lizards only found in New Caledonia in the wild. Unlike many geckos, they are omnivores and will actually eat plants and vegetation in addition to insects. Crested Geckos are great at jumping and climbing, so a lot of vertical space is good for them to play and live happy lives!
Leopard Gecko
Reaching a size of 10 inches, Leopard Geckos start life rather large at 3-4 inches in length. Ranging in colors from light tan to deep yellow, Leopard Geckos have a series of dark patterned spots covering their dorsal and ventral side. Their backs are also covered in small, raised indentations giving a bumpy texture.
Day Gecko
Day geckos do not have claws, but their toes have thin, broad, adhesive scales (called lemellae), which allow them to climb smooth surfaces. Their eyes are large, with round pupils ringed in bright blue. Their tails are as long (or longer) than their bodies. Adults can grow up to 10 inches (25 centimeters) long.
Veiled Chameleon
Solitary tree-dwellers native to Saudi Arabia and Yemen, veiled chameleons—also called cone-headed chameleons—are mostly insectivores, ambushing prey with long, sticky tongues. Their grasping feet and prehensile tails allow them to hold fast to branches, shrubs, or even backyard plants.
Leopard Tortoises
Leopard tortoises are a signature animal of the African savannah and are one of the most successful species in this habitat. They are beautiful tortoises easily recognized by their domed carapaces with contrasting black and yellow patterns. (The shell's top is the carapace. The shell's bottom is the plastron.)
Albino Lemon Lime Read Eared Slider Turtles
They have a deeper, richer, more golden yellow coloration of their shells and skin. Their pupils are a darker red than that of the more common, lighter albinos. Very few breeders are working with this very stunning color morph - whose behavior is more outgoing than lighter Albinos.
Pacman Frog
They have been known to be make sure to keep them as individuals! Pacman Frogs also have a case of "bigger eyes than stomach" - sometimes they will try eating things that are bigger than they are! Pacman Frogs have sticky tongues to catch and pull smaller prey into their jaws.
Axolotls are also known as Mexican walking fish. Their name stems from an Aztec word meaning water dog or water monster. Axolotls have cylindrical bodies, short legs, a relatively long tail and feathery external gills. They have four toes on the front feet, five toes on the back feet and moveable eyelids.
Tiger Salamander
The tiger salamander is a large, stocky, blotched salamander (6.4 inches snout to vent length). It has a rounded blunt snout, small protruding eyes, distinct costal grooves and a laterally compressed tail.
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