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Guinea Pigs
Here are some cool facts about Guinea Pigs that
might intrigue you.
Guinea pigs are NOT pigs! (They are rodents.)
Guinea pigs eat their own poo……What?! Yes, as well as the poos you will see in their enclosure, they also produce special soft poos. They eat these to ensure they absorb all the nutrients they need.
Photos of Guinea Pigs that might have hopped through our shop
We carry Hairless Guinea Pigs for those with allergies
Carefresh, Yesterday's News, paper towels, and washable fleece are preferred bedding materials. Spot-clean dirty areas daily, and fully change the bedding every three to four days. Do not use cedar chips as these are toxic. Guinea pigs are typically messy and may even relieve themselves in food dishes, so proper hygiene is essential.
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