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Here are some cool facts about Axolotls that
might surprise you.
Axolotls are incredible healers!
Axolotls look like babies their whole life!
Axolotls are carnivores!
Axolotls come in all sorts of colors!
Axolotls have a mating dance!
Photos of Axolotls that might have visited our shop
How Big Do Axolotls Get?
Full-grown axolotls range from 6–9 inches.
What Colors Are They?
Axolotls come in a range of colors, mostly different shades of brown, gray, and black. There are also a few albino breeds available, from white to a golden tan.
How Long Will an Axolotl Live?
The axolotl has a general life span of 10–15 years, but some have been known to live longer.
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