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Tank Janitors
Here are some surprising facts about "janitor fish"
that will help you choose the right fish for your tank.
Sometimes called the "janitor fish" or "sucker fish" these helpful species can help keep tanks clean as they are natural scavengers. They are bottom-feeders and will eat uneaten food or other leftover matter that would otherwise cause harmful nitrates in the water. Not all are algae-eaters, though.
We carry an assorted variety of each of these types of "janitor fish", we carry the following variants: Bristlenose Pleco, Clown Pleco, Pictus Catfish, Green Cory Catfish, Upside Down Catfish, Julii Cory Catfish, and Orange Stripe Corydoras.
Photos of Plecos and Catfish that have swam through our shop

We can order fish we don't carry so long as they are available .

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