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We offer a wide variety of feeder options for you to chose from.
These choices include: Mice, Rats, Crickets & Superworms, Black Soldier Fly Larva, Discoid Roaches, Green Horn Worms, Nightcrawlers, Earthworms, Wigglers
Come Check out what we have today!
One or more of these could be yours!
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Feeder Mice
Fancy mice, also commonly known as feeder mice, are the domesticated form of the house mouse, usually bred as pets or food for a variety of reptiles and other carnivorous animals. The species is characterized as small, delicate rodents with thin, slightly hairy tails and big, beady eyes.
Feeder Rat
Feeder rats are the perfect food for snakes and other reptiles that eat live prey, but they shouldn't be used interchangeably with pet rats.
Green Horn Worms
Hornworms (Manduca sexta) are an excellent feeder for bearded dragons, leopard geckos, chameleons, and various other reptiles and pets. Their bright green color stimulates picky eaters, and they are extremely low maintenance.
Green Horn Worms
You Can Not Feed Green Horn Worms you find outside because if they eat any plant in the Nightshade family they are toxic.
Green Horn Worms
Discoid Roaches
Discoid Roaches are easily digestible as feeder roaches, high in meat to shell ratio for a high protein and nutritious meal.
Discoid Roaches
Discoids are a Florida legal Roach, unlike Dubia Roaches which are illegal in this state due to their ability to thrive in hot tropical climates if released into the wild.
Discoid Roaches
They are also slow breeders, so even if a couple did escape, they would be unlikely to cause a large infestation. And unlike other roach species, discoids aren't afraid of light. This makes it easy to find your escapees and put them back where they belong.
Black Soldier Fly Larvae
Black Soldier Fly Larvae are an excellent feeder bug for any reptile or animal that eats insects! They have a good amount of protein, aren't too high in fat, and are softer and easier to digest than some other feeders like mealworms.
Superworms (Zophobas morio) are a type of darkling beetle larvae. They are a common feeder insect for both insectivorous and omnivorous reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, and other exotic pets. This is because they are readily available, inexpensive, and easy to house.
Superworm & Mealworm side by side
With this view you can better see the distinct size difference between the two.
They are high in protein and fat and are easy to maintain. They are available live or pre-killed and dried. Live mealworms can be stored in a refrigerator for months. All you have to do is take them out of the refrigerator about once a week and give them some food for a few hours.
Crickets both Large & Small
Crickets are high in protein and are highly nutritious when gut-loaded correctly. They are also easy to dust with calcium and other vitamins. Due to their common usage, they are easy to acquire. Crickets are not picky eaters, so there is no difficulty feeding them.
Crickets are high in protein and are highly nutritious when gut-loaded correctly. They are also easy to dust with calcium and other vitamins. Due to their common usage, they are easy to acquire. Crickets are not picky eaters, so there is no difficulty feeding them.
Crickets with an apple
Crickets do best getting moisture from apples or potatoes rather then a true water source that is open because they tend to drown.
Nightcrawlers are a nutritious snack for your pet reptiles or amphibians. A wide range of exotics love nightcrawlers, especially aquatic turtles, box turtles, newts, salamanders, and pacman frogs.
It's tough to find a source of convenient, quality earthworms, which is a shame because they are such ideal feeders for amphibians (and many reptiles as well). Plus, they're really easy to maintain, and they don't smell. You can purchase a cup of 50, or a larger cup of 800 to 1,000, depending on your needs.
Red Wigglers
Red wiggler worms provide fantastic nutrition with a calcium to phosphorus ratio of 1.5:1 and is an absolute favorite food of box turtles, aquatic turtles, frogs, newts, and salamanders. They make great feeders for reptiles as well, if your pet can get past the texture.
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