Spur Thigh, Red Foot
Russian Tortoises
Here are some cool facts about some of the different
tortoises we carry.
They are very strong animals and can move just about anything that is not nailed down.
Males and females use head movements as signals to identify each other.
Russian tortoises dig a lot and disappear underground.
A tortoise called Jonathon is currently the
longest-living land animal in the world, at 190 years old!
Tortoises have existed for over 55 million years.
Tortoises have very small brains.
Photos of some Spur Thigh Tortoises
that have come through our shop
The spur-thigh name reflects the coniform spurs on the tortoise's forearms used for digging their burrows.
Photos of some Red Foot Tortoises
that have come through our shop
Red-footed tortoises are native to the dry and wet forests and grasslands of Central and South AmericaRed-footed tortoises have a concave, bumpy shell.
Photos of some Russian Tortoises
that have come through our shop
The Russian tortoise (Testudo horsfieldii) is a threatened species of tortoise found only in Central Asia.