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Tropical Fish

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There are few things more relaxing than sitting back and enjoy a tank full of colorful fish .

Snyder's Pets 

is proud to carry fish supplied by our friends at  Sun Pets.

They have a great website full of pictures on many of the fish we carry and a great learning center for those

serious about keeping their fish healthy and happy.

Chinese Algae Eater

Chinese Algae Eater

Chinese Algae Eater

Chinese Algae Eater

Mystery Snail

Mystery Snail

Mystery Snail

Mystery Snail

Kuhli Loach

Kuhli Loach

Dojo Loach

Dojo Loach

Black Moor Goldfish

Black Moor Goldfish

Calico Twin Goldfish

Calico Twin Goldfish

Ryukin Goldfish

Ryukin Goldfish

Bristlenose Pleco

Bristlenose Pleco

Clown Pleco

Clown Pleco

Pictus Catfish

Pictus Catfish

Julii Cory Catfish

Julii Cory Catfish

Green Cory Catfish

Green Cory Catfish

Upside Down Catfish

Upside Down Catfish

Orange Stripe Corydoras

Orange Stripe Corydoras

Albino Cory Catfish

Albino Cory Catfish

pineapple swordtail

pineapple swordtail

green swordtail

green swordtail

koi santa claus swordtail

koi santa claus swordtail

Crescent Swordtail

Crescent Swordtail



Zebra Angelfish

Zebra Angelfish

Giant Danio

Giant Danio

Turquoise Rainbow

Turquoise Rainbow

Red Belly Pacu

Red Belly Pacu

Silver Dollar

Silver Dollar

Jewled Cichlid

Jewled Cichlid

Polar Blue Convict

Polar Blue Convict

Longfin Danio

Longfin Danio

Green Tiger Barb

Green Tiger Barb

Cherry Barb

Cherry Barb

Black Ruby Barb

Black Ruby Barb

Ruby Barb

Ruby Barb

Tiger Barb

Tiger Barb

Golden Barbs

Golden Barbs



Cardinal tetra

Cardinal tetra

Black Skirt Tetra

Black Skirt Tetra

Serpae tetra

Serpae tetra

X-ray Tetra

X-ray Tetra

School of Red Eye Tetra

School of Red Eye Tetra

Neon tetra

Neon tetra

Fancy Guppies

Fancy Guppies

Assorted Mollies

Assorted Mollies

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