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Aquatic Turtles 
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Here are some cool facts about some of the different

Aquatic Turtle we carry.

Photos of  Albino Lemon Lime Red Ear Turtles that may have swam through our shop

It is much easier for Albino Red Eared Sliders to eat in the water because it helps with digestion. 

Photo of
Southern New New Guinea Side neck Turtles that may have swam through our shop

They inhabit the waterways of Australia and southern New Guinea and possess the longest neck of any group of turtles in the world.

Photos of Peacock Slider Turtles 
that may have swam through our shop

Peacock slider turtle's shells are full of color and are a less common aquatic slider turtle native to Nicaragua and Costa Rica and can live 45-50 years in captivity.

Photos of  Common Snapping Turtles
that may have swam through our shop

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