Here are some cool facts about Gerbils that
might interest you.
There are over 100 different species of gerbil.
The species we keep as a pet is from Mongolia, but wild gerbils live all across Africa and Asia.
Gerbils live in groups in the wild, and are happiest when kept in pairs.
Gerbils are highly intelligent.
They can learn how to use a litter box, and memorize a maze.
Photos of Gerbils that might have scurried through our shop
Gerbils are common pets in most U.S. states, and many other countries. They’re popular because of their small size, ease of care, and their friendly and inquisitive nature. Gerbils are also one of the most hygienic pets you can keep.
A gerbil’s natural coat color is called golden agouti. It’s a yellow-toned sandy color with flecks of darker brown.
Pet gerbils have about forty different coat colors, as well as their wild coloration. Gerbil breeders have achieved this by selectively breeding for certain gene mutations.